2. Information in English

Information in English includes:

1) English version of the author’s last name, first name and patronymic, translation of the name of his organization and the title of the article into English, for example: Boboev Akbar Davlatovich, Bokhtar State University named after Nosiri Khusrav (BSU named after Nosiri Khusrav Bokhtar), Bokhtar. Republic of Tajikistan. E-mail: boboev@mail.ru;

2) translation into English of key words;
3) extended abstract of the article in English up to 1 page of the printed sheet.

Details include:
— surname, name, patronymic (in full);
— academic degree (if any);
— position, structural unit (department / laboratory / sector, etc.), the name of its organization without abbreviations, city, for example: Boboev Bobo Boboevich, candidate technological sciences, associate professor of the department of materials technology, Bokhtar State University named after Nosiri Khusrav . Phone: (+992) 908-01-43-38; e-mail: boboev@mail.ru.