The procedure for reviewing manuscripts of articles received by the editorial office of the scientific journal «Bulletin of Bokhtar State University named after Nosiri Khusrav»
All articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal «Bulletin of the Bokhtar State University named after Nosiri Khusrav» undergo a preliminary examination (carried out by members of the editorial board — specialists of the relevant branches of science) and are accepted in the prescribed manner. Requirements for the design of the original of articles are given in each issue of the journal «Rules for the design of articles»
1. The executive secretary checks the article for compliance with the formatting rules and the journal profile. Further, the article is sent for review to a member of the editorial board, highly qualified scientists and specialists from other organizations, whose scientific specialization is closest to the topic of the scientific article.
2. Terms of reviewing an article may vary depending on a specific situation, but on average they are about 6 months.
3. The review should contain a reasonable listing of the qualities of the article, including the scientific novelty of the problem, its relevance, historical value, citation accuracy, presentation style, use of modern sources, as well as a motivated listing of its shortcomings. In the conclusion, a general assessment of the article and recommendations for the editorial board are given — to publish the article, publish it after revision, send it for an additional review to a specialist on a specific topic, or reject it. The volume of the review is at least one page of text.
4. The manuscript is reviewed confidentially. Disclosure of confidential details of the manuscript review is considered a violation of the author’s rights. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their own needs.
Reviewers, as well as members of the editorial board, have no right to use the information contained in the manuscript in their own interests before its publication. The reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.
5. If the review contains recommendations for correcting and revising the article, the executive secretary sends the text of the review to the author with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them with reason (partially or completely). The article, revised (revised) by the author, is re-sent for review, and the editorial board decides on its publication.
6. An article is considered accepted for publication if there is a positive review, and if it was supported by the members of the editorial board. The order and sequence of publication of the article is determined depending on the date of receipt of its final version.
7. The editors reserve the right to reject articles if the author is unable or unwilling to take into account the wishes of the editors.
8. An article not recommended by the reviewer for publication will not be accepted for reconsideration.
9. If there are negative reviews of the manuscript or its revised version, the article is rejected with the obligatory notification of the author about the reasons for such a decision.
10. Not allowed for publication in a scientific journal:
— articles containing previously published material;
— articles drawn up without observing the rules for formatting articles;
— articles, the authors of which do not fulfill the requirements of the editorial board for the technical completion of articles;
— articles, the authors of which do not fulfill the constructive remarks of the reviewer or do not reasonably refute them;
— a series of articles representing separate stages of unfinished research.
11. After the editorial board of the journal makes a decision on the admission of the article to publication, the executive secretary of the journal informs the author about this by means of automatic notification and indicates the possible publication dates.
12. The order of publication of articles is determined by the registration date of their receipt by the editor. Papers devoted to particularly topical problems of science, as well as containing fundamentally new information, can, by decision of the editorial board, be published out of turn.
The editorial board does not enter into meaningful discussion of articles with the authors, correspondence on the methodology of writing and formatting scientific articles, and does not refine the articles to the required scientific and methodological level.